Serving Dishes

Appetizer Dish - Polish Pottery
$ 23.50

Server - Polish Pottery
$ 24.50

Apple Baker - Polish Pottery
$ 39.50

S/2 Egg Cups - Polish Pottery
$ 25.00

Scoop - Polish Pottery
$ 26.50

Tree Divider Dish - Blue Circles
$ 74.50

Serving Dish - Polish Pottery
$ 36.50

Bulionowka - Polish Pottery
$ 39.50

11 x 11" Casserole - Country Rooster
$ 157.50

Large Honey Jar - Blue Tulips
$ 59.50

Oval Baker - Blue Tulips
$ 32.50

7 x 9" Casserole - Sweethearts
$ 64.50

Oval Baker - Fruit of the Vine
$ 32.50

Small Honey Jar - Blue Iris
$ 27.50

Corn Holder - Sweet Meadow
$ 28.50

Corn Holder - Polish Pottery
$ 28.50

Corn Holder - Polish Pottery
$ 28.50